Brain Science Masterclass
for Coaches

After our coaches complete the The Brain Science Advantage course, they’re always hungry for more.

They want to stay on the cutting edge, and bring the very latest science-based strategies to their clients.

So What's Next?

The Brain Science Masterclass
is weekly rocket fuel for your ongoing growth and success as a science-based coach

Brain Science Masterclass

for Coaches

A dynamic forum for professional development, connection and collaboration among Brain Science Advantage course graduates.

9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern
90 Minutes


Deepen your expertise and broaden your toolkit through a weekly exploration of new brain science tools and how coaches are applying those tools in their practices.

9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern
90 Minutes

Coaches who have completed the full 8 weeks of The Brain Science Advantage are invited to join our Masterclass, a community of coaches working to apply, integrate and add to the knowledge and skills they gained in the course

The Masterclass meets live on a weekly basis for 90 minutes. James chooses a new brain science-based theme each month, and introduces new information on that topic each week. He then facilitates discussions and breakout groups centered on application and client scenarios.

The Masterclass is an invaluable way to stay current on the latest brain and behavioral science, and workshop ways to apply it with your clients. You’ll learn about new books and studies each week, keeping you on the very cutting edge of science-based behavior change.

But the Masterclass is more than just educational—it’s a dynamic forum for connection and collaboration. It’s an opportunity to engage with like-minded peers, share insights, and forge invaluable professional relationships. 

Completing The Brain Science Advantage for Coaches 8-week course is a prerequisite for joining this group. 


Brain Science Topics We've Covered in the Masterclass

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Building a Thriving Team
  • Attachment Styles
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy
  • Self-Actualization
  • Organizational Habits for Workplace Success
  • Culture Change for Groups and Organizations
  • Stress Resilience
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • The Science of Decision Making
  • Unlocking Hidden Potential
  • Skill Acquisition and the Science of Learning
  • The Science of Fun
  • The Science of Regret
  • The Psychology of Money
  • Grief
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Self Efficacy
  • Bias
  • Growth Mindset
  • Breaking Bad Habits
  • ADHD
  • Dopamine and Motivation
  • In-Person, Remote, and Hybrid Work
  • Feedback in the Workplace
  • Trauma-Informed Coaching
  • How to Have Difficult Conversations
  • Cognitive Flexibility
  • Belonging
  • The Business Case for Relationships
  • …and much, much more!

Sound Interesting?

Your monthly membership in the Masterclass includes FREE on-demand access to these recorded sessions and many, many more (a $2,500 value)

did you know?

By joining the Masterclass,
you're on your way to becoming a Brain Science Certified Coach

The Masterclass is an incredibly valuable experience that can be joined entirely on it's own. But, as a member of the Masterclass, you are by default working toward Certification with Brain by Design.

Brain Science Certification for Coaches is a 3-Step process. Step one is completing the Brain Science Advantage course. Step two is completing 36 Masterclass hours, the equivalent of attending weekly sessions for 6 months. Step three is 12 one-on-one mentorship sessions with James.

Join the Masterclass today and take the next step toward supercharging your coaching business with Brain Science Certification!

Why Join the Masterclass?


Dive deeper into the latest scientific research on the hottest topics in the coaching industry. Each month James will select a theme and each week he'll share what he's reading and learning, and how he's applying new science with clients.


Get inspiration and motivation each week by engaging with like-minded peers. Join a growing community of coaches who are using brain science to help clients achieve lasting results, and forge invaluable professional relationships.


Deepen your expertise and develop unshakeable confidence in your ability to use the right brain science tools with the right client, every time. Share your struggles and challenges, and support others through their own.


As soon as you join you will receive on-demand access to an archive of nearly 200 recordings of past Masterclass sessions. Catch up if you miss a week, or search for topics you'd like to learn more about. A $2,500 value, included entirely free!


Learn from your peers in a dynamic forum for sharing ideas and best practices. Walk away from each session with a broader toolkit of concrete, actionable strategies that have been tried and tested by other coaches.


Brain Science Certification is a 3-step process, including the completion of the 8-week course and 36 hours (6 months) of the Masterclass. When you enroll in the Masterclass, you'll start accruing hours toward certification, should you choose to pursue it. Learn More Here.

What's Included

The Masterclass is sold as a monthly membership subscription, which you can cancel at any time.

Masterclass for Coaches

Monthly Membership

per month
Weekly 90-minute live virtual sessions with James and a community of other coaches
Meets every THURSDAY at 9am Pacific time / 12pm Eastern time on Zoom
A deeper dive into a new brain science topic chosen by James each month, including cutting-edge brain tools and curated readings
On-demand access to an archive of nearly 200 past sessions, a $2,500 value
Membership in a select community of coaches who are have also completed the Brain Science Advantage for Coaches course
An opportunity to workshop real client scenarios and real challenges from your practice
An opportunity to get your questions answered related to course topics
Free cancellation at any time

Frequently Asked Questions

The Masterclass meets live every Thursday at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern time.
Each session lasts 90 minutes.

Definitely not. It’s so much more!

While we often use what we’ve covered in the course as a jumping off point, James is always presenting new ideas, tips, tools, and strategies based upon the latest books and studies he has been reading. This is the very best way to stay current on the most cutting-edge brain and behavioral science and how it is helping people change their lives. 

You could think of the course as Brain Science 101, and the Masterclass as a graduate-level seminar.

No problem!

All Masterclass sessions are recorded and added to our on-demand archive. So long as your subscription is current, you will have access to the session you missed, plus all past sessions. 

The Masterclass is structured as a monthly subscription. With a current subscription, your access to the on-demand archive is unlimited.

However, just as with a magazine or streaming subscription, should you choose to cancel, you lose access to the archive. You can stop your subscription at any time, and re-start later if you wish.

As long as they find it valuable!

We have coaches who have been with us for years, and say that the weekly Masterclass is a vital part of their professional development, helping them keep up-to-date on the latest brain science and in-the-know on what successes other coaches are having applying brain science with their clients.

We have other coaches who join for 6 months to complete their certification, and then move on. 

You can stop your subscription at any time, and re-start later if you wish. Whatever works for you!

No. We have lots of coaches who attend the Masterclass purely for the weekly deep dive into new brain science content and the opportunity for community and collaboration with other coaches. 

However, your attendance will be logged and should you choose later on to work toward certification, you will already have your Masterclass credits in the works.

Not yet. We are hoping to have this built out by the end of 2024. For now, lots of fruitful connections are happening organically by coaches exchanging contact information and networking on their own.

No guarantees at this point, but we’ll keep you posted!

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